
My name is Kamila and I have recently moved to Myrtle Beach, in the beautiful state of South Carolina.

I am absolutely thrilled to take this opportunity to share a glimpse into my world as a home stager and decorator. My journey in this field has been a delightful blend of passion, creativity, and a commitment to transforming spaces into captivating environments, that nurture mind, spirit and attract good energy.

Passion for transforming spaces

I believe my journey into the world of staging and decorating began at a tender age, when I found myself drawn to the art of staging and decorating. As a little girl, I possessed an innate and intuitive desire to transform spaces, starting with my own room and extending to my grandmother’s cabinets and even the window displays at my parents’ grocery store.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been captivated by the power of design to evoke emotions and create a sense of harmony within a space. This passion led me to explore the intricate world of home staging and decorating, where each project becomes a canvas for storytelling and aesthetic expression.

I firmly believe that a well-designed, organized, and carefully arranged space has the incredible power to enhance our daily lives, promote personal growth, and foster deep connections with ourselves and others. I am dedicated to helping clients in transforming their homes and work environments into places that inspire, uplift and support their personal and professional growth, as well as their well-being. All while taking into account the principles of mind, spirit and space. Being also a mindfulness and wellness coach I combine a unique set of skills that allows me to guide clients through the process of creating environments, that support their overall well-being and growth. All with the touch of Scandinavian “Hygge”.

Hands-On Experience

Having lived in Europe most of my life I’ve had the privilege of gaining hands-on experience through various avenues. Assisting with actual staging projects in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Spain and Poland allowed me to understand the practical aspects of transforming a space for market appeal. Collaborating directly with clients has been an enriching experience, as it taught me the importance of tailoring designs to individual tastes and preferences. Additionally, working on personal design projects has been my creative playground, allowing me to experiment with different styles and refine my own design aesthetic These experiences have been invaluable in refining my skills and understanding the nuanced art of creating spaces that resonate with individual’s mind and spirit.

Client-Centric Approach

What truly excites me about home staging and decorating is the opportunity to work closely with clients, understanding their unique preferences, and translating their vision into a tangible and aesthetically pleasing reality. Every project is a collaboration, and the joy of seeing a client’s satisfaction is unparalleled.

Adapting to design trends

In this dynamic field, staying abreast of design trends and innovations is key. I am committed to continuous learning, attending workshops, and exploring emerging trends to ensure that my clients receive knowledge that is not only timeless but also reflect contemporary aesthetics.

Whether you’re looking to breathe new life into your living space, revamp your office for the season, or enhance the charm of your vacation short-term rental, look no further! Contact me directly for a free consultation, and let’s embark on a journey to elevate your surroundings.

Speak to you soon!

Thank you,
